Shadow Boxer Espresso Blend Info
Shadow Boxer
Shadow Boxer is our most popular blend, comprised of two delicious coffees.
Brazil Sitio Anhumas |
$2.65 |
$8.20 |
$6.47 |
$5.80 |
$6.58 |
Papua New Guinea Kepai |
$1.80 |
$5.95 |
N/A |
$3.20 |
$4.53 |
Brazil Sitio Anhumas
This special lot comes from the Anhumas Valley in Vale da Grama, a Brazilian city in Mogiana (São Paulo). Grown by the Mabelli family who moved from Italy to grow the crop they love. The Anhumas Valley ranges from 1100 to 1350 MASL in altitude while the Sitio Anhumas farm sits comfortably at 1200 MASL. The word “Anhumas” refers to a big, black bird that used to be prevalent in the area and that inspired the name of the valley and farm.
Clayton Mabelli, the son running this farm, is the third generation of coffee producers working his family’s land. Clayton says that with a recent mind-set switch to specialty coffee farming, the family has enjoyed working towards more efficient farming techniques. These have included those related to tractor spacings, planting trees for shade, and bolstering the farm’s output with other sources of income such as avocado-growing.
Papua New Guinea Kepai
Papua New Guinea Kepai is grown up in the PNG highlands region by local Kepai villagers. An extremely high premium is paid for this coffee which we consider a healthy reward for farmers’ commitment to producing their very best cherries.
Working with our wonderful, locally-owned exporter here has been fantastic. After a visit in 2019, we discussed purchasing a special lot for which we wanted to pay a great deal more in order to help support Kepai farmers’ livelihoods. To date, we’ve enjoyed a three-year-long partnership with this exporter and can’t wait to see what the future holds for this very special example of PNG coffee.
Our work in PNG is a passionate area of growth for us at Rumble. While the country’s climate is wonderful and we’ve always believed that PNG offers some of the best-tasting coffee in the world, problems with infrastructure and assistance to farmers can make it hard to access great coffee. We’re on a mission to change the fact that most coffee is exported from PNG to big multinational companies at a very low price. Not on our watch!